How To Install and Configure Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin Step By Step Guide For Beginner’s

Hi everyone, If you are new on WordPress want to  configure Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin for your website you are at the right place. I will show you complete installation and configuration of Yoast SEO plugin step by step with screenshots from scratch.

What is Yoast SEO?

Yoast SEO is one of the best SEO tool in the market which easy to use and helps you to rank your website in Google search results. Let’s Start from scratch.

Install Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin

Go to your website dashboard and add new plugin and search Yoast in search. Install and activate the plugin( If you you don’t how to install WordPress Plugin see my this article : How to install WordPress Plugin)

Yoast SEO Plugin Installation

It’s time to configure Yoast SEO Plugin to achieve maximum benefit’s. Yoast helps you to scan your website and gives suggestions and tells how to improve your website SEO.

Click on SEO  in your WordPress dashboard.

Configuration of Yoast SEO Tool

Configure Yoast SEO Plugin

Now at this stage you will see the Yoast SEO general Setting page and open SEO configuration wizard at the top click on the open SEO configuration wizard

Open Configuration Wizard in Yoast SEO

If you have sufficient content and ready to live your website to be index on Google select first option and click next

Environment setting of Yoast SEO

Select your website type your website represent which of below options and  if you have a blog,online shop y select as per your website type. My suiteble option  is blog and i select a blog option and click on next

How To Install and Configure Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin Step By Step Guide For Beginner's

select you website is represents a  company or a person. I select person and name of the person area i select admin and click next.

Select your website represents a organization or Person

Go to your required options which you want to show in search engine to be crawled and show.

Posts is search results select YES.

Pages in search results select YES.

My templates you can select YES or NO it’s depends on you.

If you select YES search engine will also show your templates in search results which you save for different pages. It’s not important to show your templates in search results so i select no and click on Next.

How To Install and Configure Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin Step By Step Guide For Beginner's

 If your website articles writes different authors it’s a different case which needs more configuration and it’s complicated. But here in my case i am single one who write articles on my blog so i select NO option and click on next.

Select Authors in Yoast SEO

You at this section you can change your site name and choose separator which display between your post title and website name you can choose as per choice. I select vertical bar ( | ) and click next.

Here you can signup for newsletter for learning purpose. Yoast will send you learning materials enter your website email or any gmail to get updates. When you click on Sign Up below option will appear to verify you email. 

Verify you email by visiting email  inbox and Click next.

How To Install and Configure Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin Step By Step Guide For Beginner's
Website Title Setting and Seperator Use

You almost done all required steps to configure Yoast SEO Configuration Wizard you will see the Success screen like below screenshot.

Successfuly Configure Yoast SEO Tool

Now close the wizard you will see the page SEO Settings Configured (Green tick)

Open Configuration Wizard in Yoast SEO

Go to Features Tab at the Top you will see the page with ON and OFF options select all options ON and save changes.

Features Setting of Yoast SEO

Configure Webmaster Tools

Jumps to Webmaster Tools Tab and configure one by one webmaster tools. I will configure 2 top(Google,Bing)  search engines by visiting all webmaster tools sites. I leave Baidu and Yandex Configuration you can configure same like this.  You need a gmail account for all the process.

Configure Google Webmaster Tool

Click on Google Search Console Option first i setup Google Verification code option. After this you can set remaining with the help of Google Search Console.

Configure WebMaster Tools

Click on Search Console.

Google Search Console Setup

Click on Start Now and sign in to your Gmail Account

Google Search Console Setup Start Now

After Login to your gmail account now enter your website address in URL prefix area and click on Continue

How To Install and Configure Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin Step By Step Guide For Beginner's

Now Google Console Verify your Domain Verification if Successful you don’t need to do  anything. If you get error and Google will show you verification page with different verification method i will do with easiest method of HTML Tag

Verify Your Website Ownership

Copy the Code from HTML Tag method and paste into Google verification code and save changes

Paste Verification Code and Verify

Click on Verify Now Google will verify code and your ownership will verify

Verify In Google search Console

Configure Bing Webmaster Tool

When your verification successful on Google Search Console You can easily verify through Bing Webmaster page. Click on Bing Webmaster Tool and sign up with your gmail account

How To Install and Configure Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin Step By Step Guide For Beginner's

Now you will see right side option import if you verify on Google Search Console you can easily do this. Simply allow bing to import and allow permission and all done!

How To Install and Configure Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin Step By Step Guide For Beginner's

After this you will see below page with your website URL now Bing will also index your website in Bing search engine

Bing Successful Verification

I hope you got all the information required to setup Yoast SEO plugin if you have any question feel free to comment below



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